document.cookie = "lang=en_US; path=/; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT"; location.href = window.location.href; lang="en-US"> Garin Tzabar – Religious Garins

About Garin Tzabar


Clarification: Garin Tzabar is an Aliyah program for young adults who have chosen to make Aliyah and move to Israel. Following this decision, they choose to serve in the IDF in accordance with Israeli law. The Garin Tzabar program offers comprehensive support throughout this journey.
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The Religious Garin

Shomer Shabbat, Shomer Kashrut, Prayers with Sefer Torah

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    Preparation Seminars

    The preparation seminars are held in a co-ed religious environment. The food is Kosher with an in-house Mashgiach, Shabbat is fully observed and the prayers are with a Sefer Torah. The seminars in North America are spiritually led by Rabbi Avi Weiss.

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    Absorption Period & Army Service

    Upon beginning their Journey in Israel, the Religious Garin is accompanied by religious staff, and each Garin member is placed at a host family in the Kibbutz. Besides preparing for the IDF and settling in Israel, the Garin members visit Jerusalem and other places around Israel, follow the Jewish calendar and fully observe Shabbat and holidays.

Seminar Seasons


Seminar Seasons

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